Planetarium for Windows Mobile

Planetarium for Windows Mobile is a port from Planetarium for PalmOS.

This program should be compatible with Windows Mobile 2003 or higher. (It will not work on older devices that run Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone.)

Planetarium Main Program

Download the Planetarium main program:

This file is an installer file that installs the Planetarium main program and some data on your PDA. The program runs in English or German, depending on your regional settings.

Installation: Download the file and transfer it to your PDA via ActiveSync or via a memory card. Start FileExplorer on your PDA, locate the file and double click it. After successfull installation you should find a Planetarium icon under "Programs".

Here is a more detailed description on how to install CAB files:
If you need more information, google for "How to install CAB files".

For Deinstallation go to "Settings", select the "System" tab and choose "Remove Programs".

We do not have a manual yet. Please read the help texts in the program (accessible via the Windows button at the upper left) or read the manual for the Palm version of the program.

Star data bases

Planetarium has a built-in star data base with about 9000 stars (the Yale Bright Star Catalogue). You can install one of these data bases with additional stars. There are several variants of star data bases differing in the limiting magnitude. Which one you want to install depends on your amount of free memory. The data bases were compiled with data from the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 catalogues. The CAB files can be installed as described above.

CAB File Limiting magnitude Nr of stars Size m7 6'740 97 KB m8 37'044 508 KB m9 125'031 1.5 MB m10 348'012 3.9 MB m11 937'755 9.8 MB Full Tycho-2/Hipparcos catalogue (90% complete to m11.5) 2'542'491 26 MB

Current Comet and Asteroids Data

This file contains Comets and Asteroid orbital elements.

There are already comet and asteroid data with the main program, but this link is rebuilt daily with current data. Download and install this file if you want to update your comet and asteroid data.

File Description Comets and asteroids orbital elements


The program that you can download here will run as fully functional demo version and will give you plenty of time to try it out and check if you like it. After a while it will begin to show a remainder screen at program start. If you decide to register, you will receive a registration code which you enter into the program. This will convert the program into the registered version and disable all remainder screens.

To register via share-it, please visit this page:

Thank you for your interest in Planetarium for Windows Mobile.

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