Changes from Planetarium 2.3 to 2.4
- There was a slight discrepancy between the position of the stars and the grid which could be noticed with high zoom levels.
- Jupiter's moons were drawn "updside down" with the default orientation, instead of what is seen with binoculars.
- There were problems with the hardware buttons of the T5.
- Many dialogs had this on the T3: In landscape mode with the T3 case open, open a dialog, close and open case, then the dialog was not redrawn properly.
- When one has snoozed an alarm, the crosshair was flashing very rapidly afterwards. This might also have happened at other occasions.
- On the right side of the screen when looking at the orbits of Jupiters moons the 'C' for Callisto was getting chopped off when Callisto was at its outmost position.
- When an object was selected the old behaviour was to keep that object centered. If the object would move out of the screen, it was recentered. This was annoying when moving around with the 5-way navigator. New behaviour is to release the selection when the object moves out of the screen.
New Features
- The primary new feature is: Support for larger star data bases (down to m12). Planetarium has a built-in star data base with about 9000 stars (the Yale Bright Star Catalogue). New in this version is the possibility to install a data base with additional stars. There are several variants of star data bases differing in the limiting magnitude. Which one you want to install depends on your amount of free memory. The data bases were compiled with data from the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 catalogues. You can download them from the "Planetarium for PalmOS" website.
- In the tool bar there is a new widget that looks like this: [-]m6.5[+]. It is used to select the current magnitude limit for the stars. You can increase and decrease it with the [+] and [-] buttons. Each zoom level has its own magnitude limit. Tapping on the m6.5 text opens a new screen with all magnitude limits for each zoom level in one place. This new screen replaces the old "Custom Zoom" screen, and is also accessible via the "custom" entry in the zoom level ist. There are 3 more custom zooms, 6 in total now.
- The minimum field of view is now 0.2 degrees instead of 1 degree.
- Stars are drawn with their colors.
- The moon is drawn as a picture rather than a circle.
- Constellation boundaries can be drawn in the sky map.
- The center button of the 5-way-navigator toggles between "move around" and "time step" mode. In time step mode, the left and right button can now be used for zoom-in and zoom-out.
- The graphics for the positions of the satellites of Jupiter were 'too light', hard to see on the 'Stats' tab. Now there are bigger dots.
- In the "AZ" Enter-view-direction dialog, there are view direction circles like in sky view.
- Added 1 digit for RA coordinates.
- Center Lock mode: Tap the center icon, then the icon stays white on black and keeps the object centered when time stepping.
Changes from Planetarium 2.2 to 2.3
Bugfixes for 2.3.1
- Sun and moon were drawn with incorrect diameters in sky view.
- Tungsten T3, graffiti closed, landscape mode, tapping the (i) button freezed the device.
- Now on most devices with dynamic input areas the status bar and the graffiti area are also colored red in night mode.
- Change: The 5-way center button toggles between moving the sky view and stepping time.
- In night mode, the incorrect side of the moon was lit up.
New Features in 2.3.0
- The primary new feature is: Full support of all hires+ displays (Sony NR70, UX50, Tungsten T3, iQue 3600, ...)
- It is only one prc file now. This file can be moved to the memory card. (Previously the star data base had to stay in main memory.)
- Changes to improve the handling of observing lists created by third party programs like NSOL, Astroplanner or Eye&Telescope:
- The user objects list is no longer sorted automatically.
- Imported lists are kept in the order that they had in the memo.
- Additionally there are three new menu items:
- "Sort by Name" sorts alphabetically like it was done automatically in previous versions.
- "Sort by Pos": Using the current time and location, this menu item will reorder the objects to work around the sky starting with objects lower than 65 degrees in altitude, working from due south up through the west and on up to north, then all the objects above 65 degrees altitude, then continuing again with objects below 65 degrees, working from the north on down through the east and back around to the south.
- "Sort by Magnitude" sorts brightest objects first.
- "Sort by RA" sorts by rectascension.
- When the search dialog is opened, the item with the crosshair is automatically selected and highlighted in the list. This way one can easily select the next item and work trhough the list sequentially.
- Time Zones:
- Added the following time zones to the list -9.5, +6.5, +10.5, +11.5, +12.75, +13, +14
- Any time zone can be entered, not only those from the list
- On PalmOS 4 and higher, the time zone of the Palm clock is taken from the system
- New calculation: Equation of time in the [Time] section in the Object Info screen.
- The sorting order in the observation log can be changed (ascending or descending).
- Observation Log: Added a button to insert the name of the current location into the text.
- Observation log: Added Cancel button so that you can cancel changes to a log entry.
- Night mode menu item for quick access (only on color devices).
- Bold stars and symbols in Sky view (new checkbox in sky view settings)
- The switch to change the star map orientation has now a pull down list rather than toggling through 4 items.
- A new button in compass view to go to twilight.
- new Icon
- Used the 5-way navigator in sky view to move the map rather than for time up/down (when no object is selected).
- The magnitude filter assigns a default magnitude of 9 to objects which have no magnitude info in the database. (Previously they were never filtered out.)
- Changed order of drawing for planets: Brighter planets are drawn on top of the others, and a sun eclipse is drawn with the moon in front of the sun, even if the sun is selected with the cross hair.
- Edit menu for all forms with input fields
- In the Object Details dialog the coordinates are shown with arc seconds. This avoids rounding them when just opening the dialog to change the symbol for example.
Corrected bugs
- Observation Log: Sometimes object names that are too long will not be displayed in the Observation Log Object field when they are picked using the List button.
- If a star at the bottom of the screen is clicked so that the cursor is flashing over some text in the information area, then when another star in the middle of the screen is clicked, it left pieces of text behind in the information area.
- SonyOS 4: Leaving the program running over an extended period of time caused a crash.
- In the Sky View, the crosshairs do not move to a new object when one selects a new object in the Info Screen.
- The Rise/Set information list for objects in the East that are about to rise in an hour or so did not show the previous set event.
- Bluetooth GPS: Location Screen, tap GPS button, then in the Bluetooth Devices Search screen tap Cancel. Then the program displaed the "Waiting for GPS Data" screen.
- On some localized devices, opening and closing the category popup list in details screens would crash the program
- Meteor showers did not recognize change of year.
- Twiligth screen: Night length is now calculated as time between sun set and next sun rise (previously it was 24h - day length)
- Constellation Lines for Scales: the lines at Zuben Elgenubi did not meet.
Changes from Planetarium 2.1 to 2.2
- Re-added the Rise and Set screen many users were missing (accessible via new button on Compass view)
- New Meteor showers screen lists all meteor showers during the year and highlights the currently active. (accessible from menu "Options")
- The new "Observation Log" lets you take notes about the objects you observe (accessible from menu "Options")
- Saturn picture added in the info screen
- Star dot sizes are more varied with the magnitude
- Changed the colors slightly because users complained that some of them were too bright in Compass view
- Added an orientation button next to the picture of Jupiter's moons
- Changed the "reversing" button in Sky view into an orientation button that allows switching the image horizontally as well as vertically.
- Added a third Teldad circle in the Sky view settings and a checkbox to switch them off.
- Added a "High Altitude Correction" entry field in the Preferences screen.
- There is an option to keep the view direction dial in sky view instead of overwriting it with the coordinates. In Sky Preferences select "none" under Tap Info.
- The Perihelion time for comets can be entered in the format 2002-03-12.49568
- Added an "East/West" indication to the elongation in the info page.
- Added a custom time increment step in the "Time Incr" menu.
HandEra and Sony Clié
- Added support for the Hires display.
- On the HandEra: Collapsing the graffity area is supported (sky view only) and there is a menu item "Rotate" (sky view only)
- Gray scale is working on the HandEra now.
Telescope control
- The error that popped up occasionally when setting the telescope position has been removed.
- For NexStar 5 users: The telescope icon is showing how long the telescope is slewing. You will need to download the newest driver for this.
Corrected bugs
- The moon phase was not "mirrored" if the sky view was reversed horizontally.
- The star dot size was always determined by the first magnitude filter instead of the active one (zoom).
- The "Now" button in Compass view was not drawn in red/black when night mode was switched on.
- Info page, select new planet, switch to another application (by pressing the memo button for example) when the select screen was still open, a fatal error happened
- When setting the date to around 1900 and zooming in to 20 degrees, some stars could not be tapped.
- When the star library was not installed, the program crashed.
- When the program was already registered, the entry screen for the code could still be opened.
Data base files
- Some errors in the Messier objects have been corrected.
- The data bases have not been sorted alphabetically. This was visible when the "All" category was selected. The entries could not be searched easily by entering the starting characters.
- The "Bundle"-Bit is now set. Databases with the bundled bit do get beamed together with the application, otherwise the receiver just gets the program with no data. The bundled bit is also important when moving the files out to the memory card. Databases with the bundled bit will get copied into main memory together with the application on every start. If one does not intend to add data, this is just fine. One can move the data base files out to the card as well as the application file.
Changes from Planetarium 2.0 to 2.1
- Earth shadow is drawn in the sky map during full moon. This can be used to visualize moon eclipses.
- Spectral info for the stars added
- In the Twilight screen the difference of the day length to the previous day is shown.
- The moon age is also shown in days, hours and minutes
- Searching an object can now be done with any part matching it's name (for example search for "ple" to find "M 45, Pleiades, NGC1432")
- Jupiter's moons are drawn bold when in front of the planet and faint when behind
- Hour angle reversed. Also it is possible to show the hour angle ascending on both sides of 0h to 12h with an indication of E/W
- Telrad feature (click the button with the checkbox to open the Sky view settings screen)
Corrected bugs
- Hour angle was caclulated the wrong way around
- The transit height on the R/S page of the moon info was not correct
- When zooming in, some constellation lines disappeared
- When selecting another object in the info screen and cancelling, the screen went blank
- Under some rare circumstances, the coordinate grid was not drawn correctly