Meteor Showers

The Meteor Showers screen can be reached by selecting "Meteor Showers" from the main menu.

This screen shows a list of annual meteor showers. The columns show the name, the date of the maximum and the zenith hourly rate. The currently active showers are written in bold font. The current date is displayed at the upper right and can be changed by tapping on it.

You can select a meteor shower and then tap on the  button to get more information about that particular meteor shower or 

tap on the sky view button  to go to the sky view. If the shower is currently active, the radiant is shown in sky view, otherwise the center of the sky view shows where the position of the radiant will be during the activity period.

The  button sets the time to the shower maximum time. This allows you to go quickly to the season when the shower will be active and check whether it is above the horizon during the night at your location.

The  button brings you to compass view.

If the checkbox 'Show in Sky View' is checked, all currently active meteor showers radiants will be drawn in the sky view.

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