LX200 Alignment stars

The following is a list of the 33 alignment stars for the LX200. This list was contributed by Donald Winspear, Michael Boni and Allan Gould. They entered the data and checked/corrected it.

Just load the following text into the Palm Notepad as a single Memo and Planitarium can import it from there. Once you have the text as Memo, start Planetarium and select the menu item "Options / Objects" to go to the objects data base. Then tap the category selector at the upper right and choose "Edit Categories..." to create a new category named "LX200". Make sure this category is selected, then use the menu item "Import from Memo" to import the memo with the title "Planetarium Objects LX200".

Planetarium Objects LX200
Achenar, *13;Eri, m0.5; 1h38m; -57:12'; 1; 4
Acrux A, *121;Cru, m1.3; 12h27m; -63:06'; 1; 4
Albireo, *223;Cyg, m3.1; 19h31m; 28:00'; 1; 4
Alcaid, *140;UMa, m1.9; 13h47m; 49:18'; 1; 4
Aldebaran, *33;Tau, m0.9; 4h36m; 16:30'; 1; 4
Alnilam, *50;Ori, m1.7; 5h36m; -1:12'; 1; 4
Alphard, *95;Hya, m2.0; 9h28m; -8:42'; 1; 4
Alphekka, *165;CrB, m2.2; 15h35m; 26:42'; 1; 4
Altair, *226;Aql, m0.8; 19h51m; 8:54'; 1; 4
Antares, *177;Sco, m0.9; 16h29m; -26:24'; 1; 4
Arcturus, *147;Boo, m0.0; 14h16m; 19:12'; 1; 4
Betelgeuse, *56;Ori, m0.4; 5h55m; 7:24'; 1; 4
Bogardus, *58;Aur, m2.6; 5h59m; 37:12'; 1; 4
Canopus, *63;Car, m-0.7; 6h24m; -52:42'; 1; 4
Capella, *42;Aur, m0.1; 5h17m; 46:00'; 1; 4
Castor A, *78;Gem, m1.9; 7h35m; 31:54'; 1; 4
Deneb, *232;Cyg, m1.3; 20h41m; 45:18'; 1; 4
Denebola, *114;Leo, m2.1; 11h49m; 14:36'; 1; 4
Diphda, *8;Cet, m2.0; 0h44m; -18:00'; 1; 4
Enif, *238;Peg, m2.4; 21h44m; 9:54'; 1; 4
Fomalhaut, *247;PsA, m1.2; 22h58m; -29:36'; 1; 4
Hadar, *144;Cen, m0.6; 14h04m; -60:24'; 1; 4
Hamal, *17;Ari, m2.0; 2h07m; 23:30'; 1; 4
Markab, *249;Peg, m2.5; 23h05m; 15:12'; 1; 4
Mira, *20;Cet, m2.1; 2h19m; -3:00'; 1; 4
Polaris, *19;Umi, m2.0; 2h34m; 89:18'; 1; 4
Pollux, *81;Gem, m1.1; 7h45m; 28:00'; 1; 4
Procyon, *80;CMi, m0.4; 7h39m; 5:12'; 1; 4
Regulus, *100;Leo, m1.4; 10h08m; 12:00'; 1; 4
Rigel, *41;Ori, m0.1; 5h15m; -8:12'; 1; 4
Sirius, *67;CMa, m-1.5; 6h45m; -16:42'; 1; 4
Spica, *138;Vir, m1.0; 13h25m; -11:12'; 1; 4
Vega, *214;Lyr, m0.0; 18h37m; 38:48'; 1; 4