
Planetarium uses three data bases for the location pick list, the objects list and the comets and asteroids list. These three data bases have some things in common. 

Every time you make a HotSync they are backed up to your Palm backup directory on the PC. The backed up files have the following filenames: 

  • the location pick list: PlanetariumDB.pdb
  • the objects list: UserObjsDB.pdb
  • the comets and asteroids list: PlnCometsDB.pdb
You might have noticed that files with the same name are also present in the zip file where you found the other Planetarium files. These files contain initial data for the data bases: For the location data base there are about 600 cities, the objects list contains over 200 deep sky objects and the comets and asteroids data base contains a few comets and asteroids. It is optional to install these initial data files. If they are not installed, Planetarium just creates a new empty data base and the corresponding list will be empty. 

Planetarium allows to change entries or add new entries to these data bases. You might want to use the "Personal" category or create a new category for this. Please note that all the changes you make to existing entries or the new entries you add go into the data base files PlanetariumDB.pdb, UserObjsDB.pdb, PlnCometsDB.pdb. Your data gets merged with the initial data you installed. If you reinstall one of the files from the zip archive or a previous backup of yours, the complete data base is replaced and your changes will be erased. To provide a workaround for this problem the import and export feature has been made.

The Import and Export features

The export feature stores all items of a category in textual form into one or more memos. The memos are automatically created and have a title like: "Planetarium Locations Europe". The import feature is the counterpart. It reads a memo and adds all entries to the data base. With these features you can:

  • Share Planetarium data with your friends. For example if you have added your favourite deep sky objects to the data base in your Personal category, you select the Personal category, select the menu item "Export" and beam the resulting memo to your friend. Your friend creates and selects a new category where he wants to place the items, then selects the menu item "Import", chooses the memo you beamed and presses the "Import" button.
  • Save your personal entries when you reinstall the data base. For example you might have installed the location data base and have deleted all categories outside America to save space. Now you plan a trip to Europe and wish to reinstall the initial file. However, if you do that, the complete data base will be replaced and that means the personal entries you added will have gone. So you export the personal category into a memo beforehand, reinstall the initial data base file and reimport your personal entries afterwards.
  • Get new data from the internet. For example there is a list of Alignment stars for the LX200 telescope. To transfer this list into Planetarium you need to copy the list from your Internet browser to the clipboard and paste it into a new memo in your Palm Desktop application. Then make a HotSync to transfer the new memo to the Palm. On the Palm, create and select a new category or just select the category where you want the entries. Then select the menu item "Import", choose the memo with the data and tap the "Import" button.

Location Pick List

The location pick list stores the coordinates of locations. This is useful when you travel around. 

To reach the location pick list, select "Options / Set Location" from the main menu, then tap on the "Pick" button. 

The buttons:

  • OK - To select a location, tap on the location and press "OK". 
  • Cancel - To leave the location pick list. 
  • New - To add a new location.
  • Details - To edit a location, tap on the location and press "Details". 
The menu items:
  • Delete all - Deletes all items from the currently selected category. 
  • Import from memo - Reads a memo containing locations and adds them to the currently selected category.
  • Export to memo - Creates a new memo and wrtites all entries of the currently selected category in textual form into it. 
  • Help - Displays a short help text.
Please note that the menu items operate on all items of the currently selected category only. To select a category use the pulldown list at the upper right. It is important that you select the category where you want to place the items before you execute the import menu command.

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The objects list stores objects with fixed coordinates like galaxies, planetary nebulaes or just your favourite stars. To reach the objects list, select "Options / Objects" from the main menu. 

Each object can be turned on or off with the checkbox at the left of the line. Only checked objects are shown in the sky view. To edit an object just tap on it to get to the details screen.

Please note: The following menu items operate on all items of the currently selected category only. To select a category use the pulldown list at the upper right. It is important that you select the category where you want to place the items before you execute the import menu command.

  • Show all - Checks all objects of the currently selected category.
  • Hide all - Unchecks all objects of the currently selected category.
  • Delete all - Deletes all items from the currently selected category. 
  • Import from memo - Reads a memo containing objects and adds them to the currently selected category.
  • Export to memo - Creates a new memo and wrtites all entries of the currently selected category in textual form into it. 
  • Help - Displays a short help text

Comets and Asteroids

The comets and asteroids list stores the orbital elements of asteroids and comets. To reach the comets and asteroids list select "Objects / Comets and Asteroids" from the main menu. 

Each entry can be turned on or off with the checkbox at the left of the line. Only checked entries are shown in the sky view. To edit an entry just tap on it to get to the details screen. Here is an example how to enter the orbital elements.

Please note: The following menu items operate on all items of the currently selected category only. To select a category use the pulldown list at the upper right. It is important that you select the category where you want to place the items before you execute the import menu command.

  • Show all - Checks all entries of the currently selected category.
  • Hide all - Unchecks all entries of the currently selected category.
  • Delete all - Deletes all items from the currently selected category. 
  • Import from memo - Reads a memo containing comet or asteroid data and adds them to the currently selected category.
  • Export to memo - Creates a new memo and wrtites all entries of the currently selected category in textual form into it. 
  • Help - Displays a short help text.
In the "Comet / Asteroid Details" screen you enter the orbital elements for the object. Depending on whether it is a comet or an asteroid the data set differs slightly.

For Asteroids you need:

  • the Epoch as Julian date
  • the Mean anomaly M in degrees
  • the semimajor axis a in AU
  • the eccentricity e
  • the orbit inclination i in degrees (J2000)
  • the argument of perihelion  in degrees (J2000)
  • the longitude of the ascending node  in degrees (J2000)
  • the magnitude parameters H and G
For Comets you need:
  • the time of perihelion as Julian date
  • the perihelion distance q in AU
  • the eccentricity e
  • the orbit inclination i in degrees (J2000)
  • the argument of perihelion  in degrees (J2000)
  • the longitude of the ascending node  in degrees (J2000)
  • the magnitude parameters H0 and k
The data for comets and asteroids need to be updated once in a while. The data can be used for several months before the accuracy deteriorates. Check for current data once or twice a year.